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S.M.A.R.T. Events

Kids Event July 7th 2019 - "Immersive Storytelling: A Whimsical Awakening of The Senses"
On Sunday July 7th 2019 our Let´s be S.M.A.R.T. organization was happy to host together with The Steamm Initiative: For Refugees In Need and Love Without Borders For Refugees In Need a very special event called "IMMERSIVE STORYTELLING: A Whimsical Awakening of The Senses".
Children were welcomed by our sanctuary kitties and the Let´s be S.M.A.R.T. team. They were given our Let´s be S.M.A.R.T. t-shirts and SMART survival backpacks with animal treats and toys and explained how they can use them to help stray animals.
The first part of the event was dedicated to the education. Children were shown first of our Let´s be S.M.A.R.T. Super Hero animation series and learned from the example of little George how super heroes are helping animals and that we are all super heroes when we help our animals in need. From our PAWZITIVE presentation they learned about history of the domestication of animals, about great benefits of animals to humans whether they are saving our lives or helping us heal, how they can help stray animals themselves and do a small part and finally, they learned about how to read the behavior of cats and dogs.
The second part of the event was full of fun and creativity as the children were painting and drawing their favorite animals and they also learned some cool science experiments with Laura who prepared some very cool and incredible scientific experiments with the children! We thank Full STEAMM Ahead: Port Washington, NY and the amazing Kayra Martinez Love Without Borders For Refugees In Need for organizing and bringing the children to our rescue facility as well as for her continuous and tireless efforts to help the refugee community in Athens and throughout Greece.
Our thanks also go to Laura Stulbaum and all kids and adults who participated in the event and came to learn about our amazing furry friends. We all had a wonderful time! 💗
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