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We are proud to be featured on the Arden Moore' Show where Let's be S.M.A.R.T. Founder Julie Kelley was talking about our SMART video series, how people can find more out about the Let's be S.M.A.R.T. and our projects. The interview features also the Trap King and Mary Tan of Whisker Media who that time were staying in our cat shelter in Greece and who were talking about their visit of Greece within the Rap to Trap event and their mission in the animal welfare world.
Click here to watch the whole show.

We are honored that our Rap to Trap event and our Let's be S.M.A.R.T. Greece campaign were featured on the New Greek TV (NGTV is the first and only Greek-American TV channel that caters to the Greek Diaspora in the United States)! Our Animal Care Director, Ms. Mikaela Mavraki, spoke about the Trap King visit in Greece to lead a national campaign for strays and the importance of the TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return), as well as about the Let's be S.M.A.R.T. activities in Greece and its projects.
Click here to watch the story online (starting at 44:17 minute)
The article features Sterling Davis AKA the Trap King and his work around the globe to educate about catch, neuter, release the stray cats and his teaming up in Greece with the Let's be S.M.A.R.T. A big Thank you goes to Barbara and her words of appreciation for the work of our Founder Ms. Julie Kelly & our Let's be S.M.A.R.T. and featuring our Gala event on 14th May in the Varkiza resort with a guest of honor, the Mayor of 3V Municipality (Vari, Vouliagmeni, Varkiza), Mr. Grigoris Konstantellos. The story covers also a very special moment of the Gala evening, when Davis gave two ”Trap King and Queen Greece” awards to dedicated cat trappers in the hopes of making them role models for others to follow suit in helping the strays.
Click here to read the full article.

May 2022 - Rap to Trap Gala charity & Let's be S.M.A.R.T. organization featured on the Hellas on camera!
We are proud to be featured on the Hellas on Camera channel! The journalist Stellakos Panagos covers in his story our Rap to Trap Gala event on 14th May, 2022 in the Varkiza resort and interviewing the Founder of our Let's be S.M.A.R.T. organization Ms. Julie Kelley who speaks about our mission, programs and important aspects of the animal welfare in Greece. We are honored that the Mayor of 3V Municipality (Vari, Vouliagmeni, Varkiza) - Mr. Grigoris Konstantellos) - who participated in person in our Gala event, shared his appreciation of our work and the efforts of his Municipality for the improvement of the life of strays. The story covers the whole evening featuring the U.S. celebrity and #1 cat influencer Sterling Davis, AKA the Trap King, who came to Greece with his team to join the forces with our Let's be S.M.A.R.T. for a national awareness campaign and series of TNT and educational events.
Click here to watch the story online (starting at 7:32 minute)

April 2022 - Let's be S.M.A.R.T. Founder Julie Kelley featured on Pet Life radio!
Meet our Let's be S.M.A.R.T. Founder Julie Kelley in the interview on the Pet Life Radio! Julie is the initial inspiration behind our organisation and although she is heavily involved within our charity, organising the running of our shelter, foster home and several educational projects, Julie never takes credit for her hard work and rarely shows herself as the face of Let’s Be SMART! Pet Life Radio took an interest in Julies work and did a wonderful live interview with her to learn more......
Click here to listen to the interview online.

April 2022 - Let's be S.M.A.R.T. podcast with Pawareness
Let's be S.M.A.R.T. Greece team was very excited to talk on the Pawareness podcast with Kris, sharing our work with the world! Kris raises awareness for both animal rescuers and foster carers, and we were privileged to be able to talk with him, shedding light on the strengths and challenges we face here in Greece.
Click here to listen to the podcast.

April 2022 - Let's be S.M.A.R.T. Veterinary Internship Program featured in the Minnesota Star Tribune
Our global Let's be S.M.A.R.T. Veterinary Internship Program was featured in the local Minnesota Star Tribune on April 8, 2022! The article writes about our 5-star cat rescue shelter in Greece, our programs (Stray program, Adoptions program, Educational and Volunteer programs) with a special emphasis on our Veterinary Internship Program successfully launched in 2011. Ashley Walker, a a student at the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine and our first veterinary intern who came to train with us in 2022, shares her internship experience and her views about the importance of giving strays a healthier lives.
Click here to read the article.

April 2022 - Foni tis Ydras: Let's be S.M.A.R.T. is taking the U.S CELEBRITY STERLING DAVIS TO THE GREEK ISLAND OF YDRA!
In April 2022 our Rap to Trap Event was featured in the local newspaper Foni tis Ydras:
"This series of events with the theme "Rap to Trap" will take place in Greece from 10 - 20 May, 2022. The series of events brings to Greece the U.S. celebrity Sterling Davis AKA the Trap King, the #1 cat influencer/rapper musician & TNR expert. Sterling Davis will join forces with our Let's be S.M.A.R.T. NGO organization (Successfully Managing Animal Rights Today) for a national awareness campaign in Greece, educating local communities about the importance of TNR (Trap Neuter Return) and important animal welfare subjects for improvements on the stray population management.
Sterling Davis AKA the Trap King will come to Ydra on the 17th of May where he will meet the animal welfare organization Hydra Ark to educate people about sterilizations on the island. The next day, on the 18th of May, he will participate in the event organized by The Hydra Language School. Daily activities will include TNR missions in Varkiza, Saronida,Megara and the island of Ydra where approximately 200 cats will be trapped and taken to the vets for sterilization and medical treatments."
Click here to read the article (in Greek).
March 2022 - Let's be S.M.A.R.T. featured in the "Katoikidia en Drasi" online magazine
In March 2022 our Let's be S.M.A.R.T. was featured in the article, written by our Director Animal Care Mikaela Mavraki, about our programs (rescue & running a cat shelter, rehoming program, stray sterilizations/medical care program, S.M.A.R.T. Yards, educational program and our S.M.A.R.T. video series, volunteer program, veterinary internship program, events, S.M.A.R.T. Businesses, Etsy charity shop) and the forthcoming event Rap to Trap (10-20 May 2022) with the U.S. celebrity Sterling Davis. The article features also a story of blind Amelie, one of the Greek kitties rescued by our Let's be S.M.A.R.T., that found her forever home.
Click here to read the article (in Greek).
February 2022 - Let's be S.M.A.R.T. has launched its S.M.A.R.T. video series in Greek schools
In February 2022 our Let's be S.M.A.R.T. launched a collaboration with a first Greek school - a primary school in Perama for children with special needs - to present its S.M.A.R.T. video series aiming at educating and raising awareness among pupils about animals and to encourage them to love, respect, protect and care for animals.
The school featured Let's be S.M.A.R.T. on their website to inform parents and public about an initial online chat with the Let's be S.M.A.R.T. team prior to their first video presentation in the school. Within the online chat the teachers and children had a chance to meet our Let's be S.M.A.R.T. team, see our shelter premises and also meet our wonderful cat residents.
Click here to read more.

November 2021 - Let's be S.M.A.R.T. featured in the Anattica (Municipality Saronikos) news
The article features Let's be S.M.A.R.T. and its S.M.A.R.T. Yards project. Within this project the Let's be S.M.A.R.T. installed in September and October 2021 10 S.M.A.R.T. Yard wooden houses and 9 feeding stations (prototype designed and built by Let's be S.M.A.R.T.) in the Municipalities of Kalyvia and Saronikos to ensure the stray cats have access to shelter, safety, food and water.
The collaboration was highly appreciated by the Municipalities Mayors and Vice-Mayors who attended in person for the installation of S.M.A.R.T. Yards and feeding stations.
Click here to read the article.
May 2021 - Let's be S.M.A.R.T. featured in the The National Herald
The Let's be S.M.A.R.T. Founder Julie Kelley and our Greece rescue shelter team were featured in the article "Cats as Living Souvenirs and Bridges to Greece" published in May issue of a weekly Greek-American publication, The National Herald.
The article features our Greece rescue shelter and how it came into the existence. The Founder speaks about education and solution minded projects that the organization implements in Greece and encourage the Greek-Americans to adopt rescued cats from Let's be S.M.A.R.T. shelter as a living souvenir and connection with the homeland.
Click here to read the article (go to page 4).

July 2020 - Let's be S.M.A.R.T. featured in The National Herald
The Let's be S.M.A.R.T. Founder Julie Kelley was featured in the article "2020 AD - A Time for Social Responsibility" published in The National Herald, a weekly Greek-American publication.
The article features the case of the major $9 billion development project at the long-abandoned Hellenikon airport near Athens. While the project is a very important economical addition, it will have an impact on the ecosystem that settled itself during the vacated times, including 300+ stray cats, dogs, foxes, hedge-hogs and more species existing off the land.
Julie Kelley and her fellow animal welfare colleague - an activist Magda Panoutsopoulou who is a member of the animal welfare committee in Kifissia and a volunteer with Nine Lives Greece - talk about the importance of the corporate social responsibility. They also share their view points about the necessity of the well-organized joint collaboration between the investor, local municipality and animal welfare organizations in order to manage, relocate and protect the species of the ecosystem, as well as securing funds required to be ear marked for such a task. They talk also about the challenges that the local animal welfare community has been facing since 2018 when the project started and when the issue was addressed for the first time with the involved municipalities and the project owner. Julie Kelley expresses her hope that the owner of the project will make an added effort to budget for the much needed safety of the animals living on the abandoned property for more than 10 years, to be able to either create a sanctuary setting or be relocated in a humane and safe way. She also calls for the Greek society to step up and rather than complaining, to find solutions, that step up its moral and ethical base.
We are very grateful to The National Herald to publish our concerns, as well as concerns of the whole animal welfare community in Greece. Our organization hopes for a positive solution for the animals and the final project as it will be a great addition to the Greek economy, which would be a win/win situation!
Click here to read the article (go to page 14).

June 2020 - Let's be S.M.A.R.T. featured in the Greek news site IEIDISEIS.GR
Big Thank you to the Greek news site IEIDISEIS.GR for featuring our Let's be S.M.A.R.T. animal welfare organization and our activities in Greece!
The article (in Greek) describes how our Let's be S.M.A.R.T. organization started to save animals in Greece in 2007. In the form of interview the Founder of Let's be S.M.A.R.T., Julie Kelley, explains how her S.M.A.R.T. idea to create a pioneering animal charity was born, what is its mission, how our rescue shelter and adoptions are organized and how our charity operates in Greece. Julie also talks about the importance of education as the utmost priority when it comes to changing attitudes towards animal welfare globally and locally. She presents our latest initiative, the Let's be S.M.A.R.T. animated video series educating communities about many important topics of the animal welfare.
The article also features our global volunteers Ina (The Netherlands) and Jeremy (USA) who share their experience with volunteering in our rescue shelter and helping our mission in Greece.
We are grateful to the IEIDISEIS.GR for giving a space in the article also to our Adoption Stories and featuring videos where adoptants from The Netherlands, Argentina and the UK share their experience with adopting Greek rescue kitties from our shelter!
Click here to read the article.

November 2019 - New Greek TV
"Greek of the week: Julie Kelley saving stray cats in Athens"
In November 2019 the Let’s be S.M.A.R.T. was featured in the article "Greek of the Week: Julie Kelley Saving Stray cats in Athens" written by the journalist Themis Tsiliopoulos for the New Greek TV.
The Greece based journalist Themis Tsiliopoulos recently visited our charity shelter in Kouvaras to meet the Let's be S.M.A.R.T. team, our volunteers (from USA, France and Germany) and all rescue kitties. He was happy to cover our journey, learn about our organization and its mission in Greece.
Let’s be S.M.A.R.T. shared with the journalist its vision, accomplishments and plans for the near and far future. Most importantly, we had a chance to talk about how important animals are for us humans and how important it is to raise awareness about animal well-being through education, compassion, activism and dedicated work.
Click here to read the article.
October 2019 - New Greek TV
S.M.A.R.T. animated video series aired on NGTV!
We are honored to have NGTV (New Greek TV) air our S.M.A.R.T. animated video series on their station!
Not only are we thankful for NGTV to acknowledge our vision to help educate and promote animal welfare globally including our projects in Greece, but moreover that they find this subject important enough to want to share our message amongst their viewers!
NGTV is the first and only Greek-American TV channel that caters to the Greek Diaspora in the United States since 1975. The more recent acquisition of their station brings a new wave of new generation media management to an expanded distribution
June 2007 - DIVA Magazine
"Ethical Shopping" - Interview with Julie Kelley
The President of Let's be S.M.A.R.T. - Mrs. Julie Kelley - was featured in 2007 in DIVA Magazine.
She spoke about "Ethical Shopping" as part of our responsible behavior and importance of choices we make as consumers, such as for example buying cosmetic products not tested on animals.
She also shared her views with respect to care for animals and spoke about her Let's be S.M.A.R.T. organization she founded and its activities in Greece.